文在寅前大統領「民主党は一つになって “総選挙”で必ず勝利を」=韓国
Former President Moon Jae-in: ``The Democratic Party will unite and win the general election'' - South Korea
On the 12th, former South Korean President Moon Jae-in said in a meeting with Hong Ik-pyo, floor representative of the Democratic Party, the largest opposition party, that the party (Democratic Party) is one. What it has become
I hope that they will definitely win the National Assembly general election (to be held in April) and create an opportunity to firmly establish Korea." On this day, former President Moon visited Yangsan City, Gyeongsangnamdo Province.
He met House Leader Hong at a private residence in Pyongsan Village and said, ``At this critical time when politics should once again give hope to the people, the Democratic Party must be at the center of it.''
The main party made this clear. On the same day, former President Moon expressed concern about the fragmentation of the opposition party, including former Democratic Party representative Lee Nak-yeon (Lee Nak-yeon, who left the Democratic Party) and three members of the National Assembly, and reiterated the idea of ``unification.''
. House floor leader Hong told former President Moon, ``As a Democratic Party firmly united on the basis of respecting diversity within the party, we will do our best to ensure victory in the general election.''
Meanwhile, former President Moon also emphasized ``unification'' at the ``100th Anniversary of President Kim Dae-Jung'' held on the 6th of this month.
Former President Moon said, ``At the last meal we had together before he passed away, President Kim spoke of the crisis of democracy, the crisis of people's livelihood, and the crisis of inter-Korean relations.
He lamented the three major crises of the past and strongly urged, ``You young people should take the lead, gather strength by unifying the opposition bloc, and definitely achieve a change of government.''
This was President Mummer's last will, and it served as a major impetus for me to enter the political world. The Democratic Union Party was formed through the integration of opposition parties with this ambition, and was finally able to achieve a change of government.
"It was," he said. He also emphasized, ``In the face of another crisis, we must unite and integrate under the values of democracy, economic prosperity, and peace, just as President Kim Former President left in his will.''
2024/01/13 07:41 KST
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