The Citizen Countermeasures Committee for the Itaewon Crowd Accident that occurred on October 29, 2022 has asked President Yoon Seo-gyeol to promulgate the ``Special Law to Investigate the Truth behind the Itaewon Crowd Accident.''
I asked for it. At 2 p.m. on the 20th, the Itaewon Crowd Accident Citizen Countermeasures Committee and the ``National Emergency Action to Refuse the Right to Veto'' protested the ``Itaewon Crowd Accident Special Law'' on a road near Gwanghwamun in Seoul.
A convention to request promulgation was held. On this day, the participants denounced the power of the people who proposed the veto and urged the Yun Seok-Yue administration to promptly promulgate the ``Itaewon Crowd Accident Special Act.'' At this day's competition,
Also in attendance were the Democratic Party's Supreme Commissioner Park Chang-dae, the Justice Party's Emergency Countermeasures Committee Chairman Kim Jun-woo, and the Progressive Party's Permanent Representative Yoon Hee-sook.
The participants first talked about the resolution that the ruling party, People's Power, proposed on the 18th to veto President Yoon.
criticized about. The participants said, ``Despite the fact that the special law passed by the plenary session is an amendment that reflects to a certain level the points advocated by the ruling party in addition to the arbitration proposal submitted by the Speaker of the National Assembly, the power of the people does not have the right to veto it.
``There has been no attitude of responsibility or remorse for the president's previous vetoes on grain laws, labor union laws, broadcasting laws, nursing laws, special prosecutors law, etc., and the ruling and opposition parties have taken no initiative. struggle for rights
He is abusing his right to request reconsideration." He then added, ``This is not politics that reflects the will of the people, but politics that is anti-democratic and anti-constitutional.''
He continued, ``This time, we will march silently through the city covered in heavy snow with the portraits of the 159 victims, and at the end we will bow our heads and sign the special law.''
``The bereaved families will no longer sit idly by and watch this situation.'' Kim Young-nam, the mother of the late Choi Hyeri, the victim of a crowd accident, said, ``The special law is
This is a bill to prevent a recurrence for the safety of the people. Please do not involve our poor children in political strife.'' He added, ``I hope that a fair and neutral investigation organization that is not biased towards either side will be established, and that
I definitely want to know the truth.'' The Itaewon special law was passed by the plenary session on the 9th under the leadership of the opposition Democratic Party. A special investigation committee was established to investigate the truth behind the Itaewon crowd accident, and
Discuss relief and support measures. The power of the people is due to the clause in the Itaewon Special Act that allows opposition parties to nominate 7 out of 11 members of the special investigation committee, and the criminal trial was confirmed by the special investigation committee.
The bill contains so-called ``toxic clauses,'' such as a clause that would allow access to case records, and on the 19th, President Yoon had proposed that he exercise his right to request a reconsideration (veto).
After the rally, participants shouted slogans such as ``We denounce the power of the people who proposed the presidential veto'' and ``Establish an independent investigation mechanism into the Itaewon crowd accident.''
They then marched to the incense burning place in Seoul Square.
2024/01/21 07:03 KST
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