”KakaoTalk” has the highest number of users, with ”YouTube” having the highest number of users at 337 people - South Korea
According to IGA Works Data Cloud, which conducts mobile data analysis, active users of KakaoTalk, a conversation app by IT giant Kakao, as of December 2023.
The number of users (MAU) was 41,021,737, 337 more than the American video posting site YouTube, which had 41,021,401. Difference in the number of MAUs between both services as of January 2023
Considering that the number of people in Japan was 1.25 million, it can be said that the difference is rapidly shrinking. On the other hand, in the browser category, Naver, a portal site operated by IT giant Naver, is showing strength.
I set it. From July to December last year, the market share of the "Naver" app was 86.4%, compared to around 70% for Google's "Google Chrome," the same "Google" app that was around 60%, and around 10%.
It overtook Kakao's portal site "Daum" app, which was in the second half. The withdrawal rate for the "Naver" app was 11%, followed by "Chrome" (14.2%), "Daum" (15.5%) and "Google".
This was lower than apps such as ``Ru'' (22.8%). Naver's newly launched personal video STREAM app "CHZZK" had 95 users in December last year, just after its launch.
It reached more than 10,000 people. Of these, 77.2% were users of Amazon.com's Twitch and 29% were users of Africa TV.
2024/01/25 09:44 KST
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