Argentine labor community angered by ``Millei's economic policies'' holds general strike for the first time in five years
Argentina's labor community has launched its first general strike in five years in response to the strong economic reform policies promoted by Argentina's President Javier Millay.
According to Reuters and other sources on the 24th (local time), Argentina's largest labor union, the Confederation of Labor (CGT), announced on the same day that
He carried out a 12-hour general strike to overturn President Millais' economic policies, including the privatization of companies. The strike closed most shops, banks and hospitals, and caused hundreds of flights to be cancelled. Argentina
This is the first time in five years since 2019 that Chin's labor community has gone on a full-scale strike. Tens of thousands of workers gathered in the capital, Buenos Aires, to demonstrate against the government. CGT Commissioner Pablo Moyano
He said, ``The first austerity measures this government is going to take are about workers,'' and ``taking away workers' rights is the goal of the labor reforms they are promoting.''
President Millais, who took office last month, has implemented strong economic reforms based on ``freedom supremacy'' in order to curb Argentina's chronic economic difficulties and inflation.
is being promoted. He issued a presidential order that abolished more than 360 labor and other regulations all at once, and proposed a bill that includes privatizing public enterprises, raising export tariffs, strengthening presidential powers, and restricting the right to strike.
submitted. The government also decided to scrap the price control policy promoted by the previous administration and reduce fiscal spending by nearly 3% through measures such as cutting subsidies and reducing the number of civil servants.
However, rapid reforms are producing backlash and side effects. Last month, Argentina's consumer price index
It increased by 25.5%. The annual inflation rate reaches 211%. This is because the Millais government devalued the official exchange rate, causing import prices to skyrocket.
Despite opposition from workers, the Millais government is poised to push through reforms. patricia britsch security
On social media
"We are defending the general strike," he said, criticizing the general strike.
2024/01/25 10:01 KST
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