Korea Institute of Labor Research: 53.1% of people who have experienced time difference arrive to work are more productive.
In South Korea, it was found that many office workers who have tried flexible work systems, such as staggered working hours and selective work systems, believe that their productivity does not drop compared to when they work under normal working arrangements.
According to the Korea Labor Institute's 2022 Economic Activities of Korean Households and Individuals report released on the 28th, a survey of wage earners who have used flexible working systems was asked about their thoughts on each system.
The results showed that the most positive responses regarding productivity were staggered working hours, selective work, remote working, and telecommuting, in that order. This report is the conclusion of the 25th Korean Labor Panel's additional investigation into the coronavirus.
Among the approximately 10,000 people surveyed, respondents who had used each system were targeted. The staggered working hours system allows workers to adjust their working hours according to their needs, giving them flexible working hours.
The selective work system is a system in which working hours per week or per day can be adjusted within the range that the average weekly working hours in a month does not exceed 40 hours.
A remote work system is a system in which employees use mobile devices to work in a remote office or a location other than an office.
As a result of the survey, 53.1% of those who had experience of staggered working hours answered that this system was ``more productive'' than the regular work system. 40.8% answered that there was no difference;
6.1% said it was not productive. 41.8% of respondents answered that elective work system and 34.7% of remote work system were more productive than regular work system, while those who said there was no difference
They were 37.2% and 45.7%. About 20% said it was not productive. 45.2% of respondents answered that there is no difference in productivity under the telecommuting system, which is the only one among the four systems that is generally
More people said that it was less productive than working (29.1%) than that it was more productive (25.7%). Flexible working system is a system that improves the work-life balance of workers.
This means that workers themselves evaluate that their productivity is generally no lower than that of regular working arrangements.
However, compared to positive evaluations, there are very few opportunities to utilize it.
This survey also found that 3.2% of respondents said they had introduced a flextime system in their workplace over the past year due to the coronavirus outbreak, while 3.2% of respondents said they had introduced a flextime system in the workplace in the past year.
(5.6%), and only 8.8% worked at a company that implemented a flextime system. The report is based on this survey, which includes workers' evaluations of flexible working systems.
The results "can be used as a basis for preparing labor systems that are more productive and conducive to work-life balance in the post-coronavirus period," it said.
2024/01/28 20:46 KST
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