Japanese government ``asks Gunma Prefecture'' to remove memorial monument to Korean workers...avoids ``opinion'' = South Korean report
On the 29th, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi avoided the government's opinion regarding the start of work to remove the memorial monument for Korean workers in Gunma Prefecture, saying, ``That decision was made by Gunma Prefecture.''
The memorial monument for Korean workers in Gunma Prefecture's prefectural park "Gunma no Mori" is built by local residents to convey to future generations the fact of the forced mobilization of Koreans and to promote friendship between the two sides.
It was established in 2004 to At a regular press conference on the same day, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi responded to the question, ``It has been pointed out that the removal of this memorial monument may encourage historical revisionism.''
That decision was made by the prefecture. Please ask the prefectural office for details." In addition, ``There is concern that this may spread to other Korean memorial facilities in Japan as a bad precedent.''
He also gave a similar answer to the question, ``Isn't that the case?'' Furthermore, when the same question came up again, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi answered, ``As I said earlier, Gunma Prefecture has no right to make such a decision.'' death
``I would like to refrain from commenting on that from my standpoint.'' Citizens' groups used to hold a memorial festival every year in front of this monument, but in 2012, one participant said, ``Forcibly taken away.''
Far-right groups have taken issue with the mention of ``'' and have demanded its removal. In response, Gunma prefectural authorities refused to renew the installation permit in 2014, and the citizens' group complained and filed a lawsuit.
However, in 2022, the Supreme Court ruled that the local government's punishment was legal.
2024/01/30 08:05 KST
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