``Misuse of subcontractor's technology'', former contractor liable for up to 5 times compensation = South Korea
In South Korea, if a former contractor misappropriates the technical data of a recipient contractor (subcontractor) and deprives the subcontractor of profits, it will be subject to increased liability for punitive damages. Diet is 1
On the same day, a bill was passed to amend the law to allow compensation up to five times the amount of damages. The standards for calculating damages due to technology misappropriation have also been clarified.
According to the Fair Trade Commission, this law reform will prevent former contractors from improperly using subcontractor technical materials.
If a subcontractor inflicts damage on a subcontractor, they can be held liable for compensation up to five times the amount, up from three times the current amount. Deterring technology misappropriation and providing compensation to damaged companies at a realistic level
The aim is to raise it to In addition, the standards for calculating damages due to technology misappropriation have been specified. Not only the profits that the victim company was able to directly produce and sell, but also the usage fees of technical materials even beyond the production scale.
The amount that could reasonably be received can now be included in the amount of damages. The committee stated, ``The legal amendment will prevent former contractors from stealing technology and make it easier for small and medium-sized companies to prove damages.''
I hope so.”
2024/02/02 06:04 KST
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