Russia and North Korea hold inter-parliamentary exchanges...North Korean delegation visits the Russian Duma on the 13th
A North Korean delegation will visit Russia on the 13th of this month and visit the lower house of the Federal Parliament. Following the visit by General Secretary Kim Jung Eun to Russia last year and the visit between Russia and North Korea's foreign ministers, this time the exchange was held between former members of Congress.
It is developing into a flow. The peak of this trend in relations between Russia and North Korea was President Vladimir Putin's ``visit to North Korea,'' and it is expected that the relationship will move forward in earnest after the Russian presidential election in March.
In an interview with Russia's RIA Novosti news agency on the 1st (local time), Congressman Taisaev, a member of the Russian Communist Party, said, ``They (the North Korean delegation) are scheduled to visit the Duma on the 13th.''
``We will go to see them in March,'' he said. According to Rep. Taisaev's remarks, it seems likely that Russia and North Korea will interact on a "parliamentary" basis.
Since the Russia-North Korea summit meeting in September last year, the Russian foreign minister visited North Korea in October, and the North Korean foreign minister visited Russia last month.
Exchanges at various levels are taking place between Russia and North Korea, and the peak of these exchanges is likely to be ``President Putin's visit to North Korea.''
The Kremlin (Russian Presidential Office) says President Putin's visit to North Korea is a "longer-term plan" and will be realized before the presidential election.
denied the possibility. Given that Russia's presidential election will be held from March 15th to 17th, the possibility of an election as early as the end of March or April has been raised.
2024/02/02 16:59 KST
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