Director Park Former posted on Facebook on the 14th, ``North Korea is a country where the US is terrifying.
"South Korea is trying to make sure that the United States cannot do that," he said. However, Director Park Former said, ``There is always the possibility of a local war.Especially if all inter-Korean agreements are scrapped like now, in the near future.''
"We predict that there will be a collision along the line established by North Korea between the NLL (Northern Limit Line) and the Southern Limit Line." Director Park Former said, ``North Korea continues to launch cruise missiles and other missiles every day.
I want North Korea to keep in mind that this is not an alliance between the United States and South Korea that will strongly condemn it and then bow down to it or be fooled by it."
He also said, ``President Yoon Seo-gyeol is being attacked every day.
What is this bravado about? "We will oppose war in any case, but if there is only bravado and no substance, the people will be anxious."
He added, ``Will security and peace on the Korean Peninsula be resolved by looking only at the United States and Japan?
. North Korea closed its borders for three years due to the coronavirus, but its economy is said to be relatively strong. The food situation is said to be less severe as a result of increased production."
He continued, ``In terms of security, thanks to our country, our relationship with Russia has become even closer, and thanks to Taiwan, we have strong ties with China.
The issue of crude oil, daily necessities and food has also been resolved." Director Park Former said, ``If there is war, everyone will die, but if there is peace, everyone will live.'' President Yoon's foreign policy towards North Korea needs to be completely reconsidered.
'' he added.
2024/02/15 20:57 KST
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