米国「露朝の軍事協力、日韓にとって直接的な “脅威”」
US: Russia-North Korea military cooperation poses a direct “threat” to Japan and South Korea
A high-ranking US State Department official said, ``Military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, including North Korea's supply of ballistic missiles, poses a direct threat to Japan and South Korea.''
I released it," he said. At a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on the 14th (local time), U.S. State Department Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Bonnie Jenkins said, ``Russia-North Korea ballistic missile cooperation is
"It poses a direct threat to Japan and South Korea," he said, expressing deep concern, saying, "I completely agree."
In response to military cooperation between Russia and North Korea, Undersecretary Jenkins said, ``Last month, we already
``We are making multilateral efforts with our friendly countries.'' Regarding the current situation facing the United States, he said, ``We are truly being challenged.''
The timing is right.'' When asked, “Why has North Korea expanded its nuclear and missile programs over the past three years?”
It's not easy to guess. Unfortunately, we lack the substantive approach needed to understand why."
2024/02/15 16:30 KST
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