Positive evaluation that he is doing a good job, Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the People's Power Emergency Task Force, 53%, Lee Jae-myung, both representatives of the Democratic Party, 38%... 63% say it is inappropriate for former Minister of Justice Cho Kuk to run in the general election = Korean public opinion investigation
Opinion poll results show that the positive evaluation of Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the People's Power (ruling party) Emergency Measures Committee, is higher than that of Lee Jae-myung, the representative of the Democratic Party (opposition).
It was announced on the 18th. The Korea Social Opinion Institute (KSOI), a company specializing in public opinion polls, conducted a survey on the 15th and 16th at the request of CBS Uncut News, targeting 1,007 men and women aged 18 and over nationwide.
As a result of the survey, 53% of respondents said that Chairman Han was doing a good job, which was higher than the number of respondents who said he was not doing a good job (40.7%).
On the other hand, 38.0% of respondents said that CEO Lee is doing a good job. The majority of respondents, 56.6%, said they were not doing a good job.
exceeded. This trend was also reflected in party support ratings. The support rate for the People's Power party was recorded at 44.3%, and the Democratic Party's support rate was 37.2%, with the difference in support rate between the two parties being 7.1 percentage points.
Ta. When asked about their intentions to vote in local districts, 44.3% said they would vote for People's Power, followed by 35.9% for the Democratic Party, 7.5% for the New Reform Party, and 2.1% for the Green Justice Party. Even with the intention of proportional representation voting, the power of the people is
It was the highest at 43.0%. Other voters included the Democratic Party (30.3%), the New Reform Party (9.9%), and the Green Justice Party (3.6%).
The KSOI side said, ``The positive evaluation of Chairman Han Dong-hoon reflects the rising trend of people's power.''
It seems to be long. It shows the power of the people, with relatively little noise in the (election) recognition process, and the conflict between pro-Moon Jae-in and pro-Lee Jae-Myung, and contrasts them with the Democratic Party."
. The Democratic Party of Japan has recently been in turmoil, with people who have worked with Lee since he was mayor of Seongnam, as well as lawyers in charge of legal risk, announcing their intention to run in the general election.
Furthermore, public opinion was overwhelmingly negative regarding former Minister of Justice Cho Kook's candidacy in the general election. However, the responses of Democratic Party supporters as well as voters overall were contradictory.
Looking at the overall responses to former Cho's candidacy, 63.1% said ``It's not appropriate,'' 29.9% said ``It's appropriate,'' and 7.0% said ``I don't know.'' finely
Among respondents who identified themselves as supporting the Democratic Party, 60.8% said it was ``appropriate,'' while only 7.5% of those who supported People's Power viewed ``Cho Kuk's new party'' positively. Suitable for middle class
65.0% said it was not necessary, and 29.8% said it was appropriate, similar to the overall number of respondents. This survey was conducted using a 100% automated response (ARS) survey.
2024/02/18 20:59 KST
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