Three giant pandas from Belgium's Peridaiza Zoological Park to return to China this fall = Chinese report
Three giant pandas kept at Peridaisa Zoological Park in Belgium have decided to return to the country this year.
On the 20th, Peridaiza Zoological Park welcomed three giant animals born at the zoo.
announced that it would be returned to China in the fall of 2024. A male, Xinghui, and a female, Haohao, arrived in Belgium from China in February 2014. 201
In June 2016, ``Hao Hao'' gave birth to ``Tianbao'' (Tianbao). Then, in August 2019, she gave birth to twins "Bao Di" and "Baomei".
This time, the three horses that have been decided to return to the country are ``Tenpo'', ``Hoo Brother'', and ``Hoo Sister''.
The zoo said, ``Ever since their birth, the three animals have been loved by the local people.''
, the three animals plan to hold a birthday party and farewell party before returning to the country.
2024/02/21 15:30 KST
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