Chinese economist: ``Cash coupons need to be issued quickly''...``Learn from South Korea etc.''
A prominent Chinese economist said, ``We need to quickly issue cash coupons to improve consumption, and we should learn from the examples of countries such as South Korea.''
According to a report from Hong Kong's South China Morning Post (SCMP) on the 23rd, Teng Tai, director of the Expo New Economic Research Institute, recently said,
In an interview with Chinese media, he argued, ``The most effective way to capitalize on consumption is to issue cash coupons.''
Director Teng said, ``When people have money, they spend it.''
"Coupons amplify consumption by $3 to $5," he said, adding, "China should learn from the examples of the United States, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Singapore. Compared to Europe, the United States, and Australia.
, China needs to issue them more quickly." However, experts pointed out that it is "unlikely" that the Chinese authorities would accept such a proposal.
Director Teng focuses on new supply-based economics and soft value.
He is known as the founder of the ``value'' theory, and his book ``Soft Value'' has been translated and published in Korea.
2024/02/24 08:01 KST
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