South Korea opens government/industry ``semiconductor hotline''... Responding to influence from US and Japan
While countries such as the United States and Japan are actively working to support their own semiconductor industries, in South Korea the government and industry came together to explore ways to strengthen competitiveness.
On the morning of the 26th, Ahn Deok-geun, Minister of Industry, Commerce and Resources, spoke to the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Jung-gu, Seoul.
held a meeting with entrepreneurs in semiconductor manufacturing and small sectors (materials, parts, equipment). This day's meeting assessed the impact on the domestic semiconductor industry of the recent intensification of competition in the global semiconductor market, and
The meeting was held to discuss countermeasures. Representatives from the industry included Samsung Electronics, SK Hynix, and Wonik IPS, as well as Korea's leading semiconductor manufacturing and small-sector companies.
Ahn announced that he will establish a ``hotline'' with CEOs of semiconductor-related companies and will be at the forefront of resolving semiconductor issues.
Mr. Ahn said, ``In order to shorten the business period of the semiconductor industrial complex currently under construction, we will swiftly promote related permits and approvals.
"We will significantly expand incentives to encourage investment by semiconductor companies." In particular, he said, ``It is important to establish industrial policies that companies can experience on the ground,'' and ``the government and companies should work together as a team.''
Therefore, we must strengthen the exchange of opinions and cooperation." The government and participating companies decided to work together as one team to take a lead in the artificial intelligence (AI) semiconductor market.
. They also discussed follow-up checks for the implementation of the ``Semiconductor Megacluster Creation Plan'' announced at the Civilian Forum last month, as well as the necessary items for additional support.
Companies pledged to proceed with planned investments smoothly and work together with the government to achieve semiconductor investment of 60 trillion won and exports of 120 billion dollars this year. Also
, proposed improvements to the investment environment, including establishing new investment subsidies, expanding support for semiconductor megacluster infrastructure, and building small-sector testbeds.
Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix have been involved in investment support such as subsidy payments, and both South Korea and foreign countries have
He called for the government's attention, saying a similar environment was needed. Small sector companies mainly emphasized the importance of securing human resources. Kim Jeong-hoe, full-time vice president of the Korea Semiconductor Industry Association, participated in the meeting.
He said, ``The industry spoke on a variety of topics,'' and ``In particular, small-sector companies talked about the need for research and development (R&D) support and deregulation to secure human resources in the Tokyo metropolitan area.'' I told him.
In response, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Resources has been implementing support policies since the current government took office, including increasing investment tax credits, creating a national semiconductor industrial park, and training 150,000 semiconductor human resources.
He also promised to implement bold support measures. Specifically, the ministry announced on the 27th of this month that it would be necessary to build essential infrastructure such as electricity and water based on the power supply plan for the Yongin Industrial Complex.
It was announced that the electric power company, the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH), power generation companies, demand companies, and the government are planning to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) together.
It also includes measures to expand additional investment incentives for cutting-edge industries such as semiconductors.
The government plans to announce a ``comprehensive support plan for advanced strategic industrial complexes'' next month. A special task force (TF) for the promotion of semiconductor specialized complexes will also be established within the ministry.
A small sector mass production testbed (Minifu
Established the ``Public-Private Joint Demonstration Fab Promotion Organization'' in order to quickly promote fab manufacturing, established the ``Semiconductor Design Verification Center'' to improve the competitiveness of fabless (companies specializing in semiconductor design), and
The company also revealed new plans for the ``AI Semiconductor Collaboration Forum'' within the industry association. The ministry is also developing a ``fabless development plan'' to create a ``Korean-style NVIDIA'' in the AI semiconductor field.
The company announced that it will make an announcement during the first half of the year.
2024/02/27 06:17 KST
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