Kim Sung Cheol, actor of ``The Count of Monte Cristo,'' said, ``I've been extremely happy for three months...Cholmonte will leave shouting ``Amen''.''
Korean actor Kim Sung Cheol expressed his passionate love for ``The Count of Monte Cristo.'' 27th, STORY J at management office
The COMPANY side plays "Edmond Dantes" and "The Count of Monte Cristo" in the musical "The Count of Monte Cristo".
Kim Sung Cheol, who performed ``'', has released his impressions after the performance ended. Kim Sung Cheol said through the management office, ``We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the many viewers who loved ``The Count of Monte Cristo.''
I've been extremely happy and honored for the past three months because of love," he said, first expressing his gratitude to the audience who watched the performance.
He continued, ``We at Montechi showed tremendous teamwork.
I would like to applaud each and every member of the team, as well as the many staff members who did their best both before and after the stage.
I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed," and expressed his heartfelt feelings to the people who collaborated with him on the project. Not only that, ``Cholmonte announced on February 24th that
I screamed "N!" and left! ”, he concluded his thoughts at the end of the show with a sensible comment. The musical ``The Count of Monte Cristo,'' which opened in November last year, was created by France's national author.
A musical based on the novel of the same name by Alexandre Dumas. Edmond Dantes, a young sailor with a promising future, is cruelly accused and spends 14 years in a notorious prison.
After spending many years in prison, he makes a dramatic escape, changes his name to ``The Count of Monte Cristo,'' and as he pursues his revenge, the story depicts an eventful journey in which he discovers forgiveness, reconciliation, and the value of love.
Among them, Kim Sung Cheol performed the roles of ``Edmond Dantes'' and ``The Count of Monte Cristo,'' and gave a well-received performance. He said, “Believe and see.”
``In addition to her acting skills and explosive singing ability, she captivated the audience with her impeccable stage manners, including accurate diction (pronunciation and vocalizations used in plays) and witty improvisation.
Completed. In particular, he perfectly captured the fresh and brave character of Edmund's sailor, and instantly heightened the level of immersion in the play from the beginning.
In this way, he showed 200% of his skills at every performance and lived up to his name.
Expectations are high for Kim Sung Cheol's future steps after showing off his skills. Meanwhile, Kim Sung Cheol will continue to be active in the movie ``Comment Squad,'' which will be released on March 27th (Wednesday).
2024/02/27 15:19 KST
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