South Korea's former justice minister's new party No. 1 ``Drinking and no license'' criminal record = South Korea
Lawyer Shin Jang-sik, who was recruited as the first member of the Chokuk New Party (tentative name) led by South Korean Justice Minister Cho Kuk, was accused of drinking alcohol and not having a license (four times in total). Before that
Regarding this, journalist and YouTuber Kim Oh-jun said, ``I did this because I was poor.''
Lawyer Shin appeared on a YouTube broadcast run by Kim on the 26th. Lawyer Shin has a background as the Secretary-General of the Justice Party and is the 2020 National Honoree.
He was the 6th candidate for the Justice Party's proportional representation party in the general election, but he withdrew due to controversy over his past criminal record. Lawyer Shin has been charged with Drunk Driving once and driving without a license three times between 2006 and 2007.
He has a previous conviction for which he was sentenced to a fine. Regarding this, Mr. Kim said, ``There will continue to be articles about criminal records.This happened 17 to 18 years ago, and even though it was not an accident with people or property, he is being held responsible.
He also took full responsibility for his actions, and was punished by declining his candidacy four years ago." He continued, ``Why did a lawyer do something like this 17 or 18 years ago?
Because it happened. "This happened because I was working as a substitute driver." In response, attorney Shin said, ``He was not a substitute driver,'' and ``Drunk Driving once.''
, and then driving without a license. This is true and there is no excuse. "I was poor," he said. He went on to say, ``When it comes to attacking people with political material, I think it's something I deserve.''
``I just wish they would stop making headlines like ``Drunk Driving'' happened ``four years ago.''''
2024/02/28 08:16 KST
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