Singer CHUNGHA will make a comeback on March 11th...New single ”EENIE MEENIE”
Singer CHUNGHA has decided on a comeback date. According to management office MORE VISION on the 28th, the new single "E
ENIE MEENIE” and will make a comeback. ``EENIE MEENIE'' is CHUNGHA's comeback work after a long hiatus of over a year. MORE
It is also the first new album released after joining VISION. On this day, CHUNGHA released a trailer titled ``I'm Ready'' on SNS. Through this, Chi
Yongha showed strong looks and performance, raising fans' expectations for her comeback. MORE VISION says, ``CHUNGHA has proven himself in various stages so far.
He will quench the thirst of fans who have been waiting for his comeback with his stage control and charisma, as well as his expanded musical ability."