China's Dalian Forest Zoo receives criticism from a visitor who poured drink on a tiger...The zoo is ``discussing how to respond'' - Chinese report
A visitor to the Dalian Forest Zoo in China's Liaoning province has been criticized for pouring the contents of a plastic bottle onto a tiger.
On the 3rd, a woman with her child and her companion who were in front of the tiger cage at the zoo threw a pet bottle at the sleeping tiger.
A video showing a person pouring the contents of a toru drink was posted online, causing controversy. In the video, the person filming the video asks the women to stop, but the woman says, ``It has nothing to do with it.''
repeated the act. In an interview with local media, the videographer said, ``Some people (in front of the tiger's cage) tried to wake up the sleeping tiger by pouring drink on its body.My friend and I stopped him, but... or
I didn't meet it. At that time, I got very angry and got into an argument with those people." Dalian Forest Zoo has a South Chinese tiger and a Northeastern tiger. Both are designated as first-class nationally protected animals.
An official at the zoo said, ``We are already aware of this incident.We are currently discussing how to respond.''
2024/03/06 16:03 KST
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