「医学部に行きやすい! 会社員も挑戦?」…定員の拡大で忙しくなった入試業界=韓国
“It’s easy to go to medical school! Should office workers also try it?”…Entrance exam industry is busy due to expansion of admissions capacity = South Korea
In South Korea, with the expansion of medical school capacity for the 2025 academic year now visible, the entrance examination industry is rushing to prepare, including holding special classes not only for prospective students but also for company employees.
According to the education industry on the 7th, Mega Study Education was the first company in the industry to open a special night class for office workers preparing for medical school entrance exams. 'Medical Scholastic Aptitude Test All
In Class' was held on the 18th at the Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Building of Seocho Megastudy Academy in Seoul, and the monthly tuition fee is approximately 700,000 won (approximately 77,800 yen).
ing. Two evenings ago, a special information session for a night class for office workers was held in a lecture room with a capacity of 110 people, and attracted attention as office workers preparing to enter medical school attended.
Daesung Academy also opened night classes at the end of last month for top-tier applicants who are studying at university and aiming to enter Seoul University or medical school.
Classes are held twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Outside of class, students have autonomy until 11pm depending on their schedule.
You can study, and you can also apply for and listen to courses separately. In addition, depending on the results of the University Scholastic Aptitude Test (equivalent to Japan's common university entrance test) for the 2024 academic year, up to 100% of the tuition fee will be waived.
It may also be removed. The educational platform ETOOS said, ``Congratulations on increasing the number of medical school seats by 2000 people'' and ``It's easy to go to medical school!
Even office workers should try it out! ' is used to promote the course. only for 1 month
We have also designed a benefit in which if you take the course and pass within three years, you will receive a refund of your tuition fee. On the other hand, as the phenomenon of ``concentration of medical schools'' due to the increase in the number of medical schools is becoming more serious among office workers, experts are placing more emphasis on selecting local human resources.
He expressed the opinion that it would be dangerous to go all-in on medical school in a situation where there are no specific questions. In fact, if the capacity increases by 2,000 students in the 2025 academic year, 40 medical schools nationwide will have 3,058 students.
to 5058 people. As of last year, there were 2,379 high schools in the country, excluding office workers, and 4,758 students ranked second in the school overall. Achieved 3rd place in all schools
The number of students would be 7,137, which would exceed the capacity of the medical school. In other words, you can only apply to medical school if you rank in the top 2 or 3 at each school.
A source in the education industry said, ``If you don't rank in the top 5,058 nationally, you won't be able to go to medical school.The medical school entrance exam itself is difficult.
We have to keep in mind that it hasn't gotten any easier."
2024/03/07 21:01 KST
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