South Korean military will send reconnaissance satellites 2 and 3 to wrap-up parties in April and November of this year...Ministry of Defense ``Strengthening space surveillance capabilities''
On the 19th, the South Korean Ministry of Defense announced its major policy promotion plans for 2024. This plan aims to contribute to freedom, peace, and prosperity while maintaining the direction of national defense policy aimed at becoming a global central nation.
He announced a policy of actively achieving ``peace through strength'' by building an ``elite advanced military.'' The Ministry is committed to strengthening advanced national defense capabilities, building a global security network, and strategic defense capabilities.
The plan is to consolidate national defense capabilities and promote the concept, centered on three pillars: expansion of the United States. In particular, the top priority will be to strengthen the ability to respond to North Korea's nuclear and missile threats, and the
Through the fusion of cutting-edge science and technology, it will be transformed into an elite, advanced army that can fight and win. In connection with this, following the wrap-up party for the first military reconnaissance satellite in December last year, we held a wrap-up party in April and November this year.
A wrap-up party will be held for military reconnaissance satellites No. 2 and No. 3. The first of these satellites is an optical/infrared (EO/IR) satellite, while the second and third satellites are synthetic open satellites that use radar radio waves.
It is a SAR satellite that can provide ultra-high resolution images regardless of day or night or weather conditions. Additionally, the Ministry will continue to build precision space-based monitoring capabilities in a sustained and systematic manner.
emphasized. In order to strengthen practical education and training centered on combat missions in conjunction with maximizing existing military forces and develop human resources suitable for the future security environment, each military academy will study advanced weapon systems and domestic and international war history.
, I decided to put more effort into English education. Furthermore, in order to improve the welfare environment for soldiers and beginning executives, and to ensure a combat command environment for mid-level commanders, security telephones will be provided to commanders of lieutenant colonels and colonels.
The payment will be expanded to The government also decided to make efforts to improve the treatment of lieutenant colonel commanders, such as by providing important duty pay allowances. In particular, it plays a central role in strengthening solid soldier spirit and publicizing national defense policy.
To this end, the government plans to drastically reorganize National Defense TV, a military channel. For this reason, the Ministry will not only create new content tailored to soldiers and military-specific content, but also change the channel name.
Increasing viewership among the public, including changing the title. He also emphasized that the company will enhance its brand image and strengthen its role as a specialized military channel.
Along with this, we will build a global security network and strengthen global security with related alliances and countries that share values.
Strengthen solidarity. Furthermore, the plan is to realize a virtuous cycle of security and value by equipping the country with overwhelming deterrence and defense capabilities against North Korea's increasingly sophisticated nuclear and missile threats.
In particular, we will gradually carry out U.S.-South Korea pan-government mock exercises that reflect nuclear use scenarios, as well as national defense and military next-former map exercises.
The ministry has made the ``Korea-UNS member defense ministers meeting'', which was held for the first time last year, a regular event this year, and is holding joint exercises with UNS member countries.
He also announced that he will also revitalize training and training. In addition, in connection with "expansion of strategic defense capabilities" to realize a virtuous cycle of security and economy, we will expand defense exports and cooperation based on accumulated advanced technological capabilities,
Produce and store Korean weapons and ammunition worldwide. The plan is to build overseas strategic bases that can be used in emergencies, while at the same time driving economic growth.
Next month, the military will launch the National Defense Agency, an organization dedicated to rapidly deploying and efficiently distributing advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
``I Center'' will also be established. Minister of Defense Shin Won-sik said, ``We will accelerate the strengthening of advanced national defense capabilities, build a global security network and expand our defense capabilities, and achieve overwhelming deterrence against North Korea.''
"We will achieve peace through strength and might," and added, "We will do our best to ensure that national defense is also useful for the national economy while the people live in peace."
2024/03/19 06:25 KST
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