Lee Jae-myung and Democratic Party representative say, ``Democracy collapses due to a single word from a dictator...Once the people's power becomes the leading party, there will be no recovery'' - South Korea
Representatives of the Democratic Party (opposition) and Lee Jae-myung visited Incheon and said, ``What if the power of the people (the ruling party) becomes the largest party and holds the position of the speaker of the National Assembly, or secures a majority of seats?
"If we are in a situation where we can freely legislate, we will forcefully modify the country, laws, institutions, and systems." This afternoon, Representative Lee visited a city center in Michuhol-gu, Incheon.
"If we fail like this, it will be almost impossible to recover. We may end up like Argentina for decades, forever," he said during a visit to the Nghi market.
Lee said, ``In a far too short period of time (less than two years), the country has been ruined more than we could have imagined. Nothing has been properly achieved in terms of people's livelihood, diplomacy, security, or peace.''
criticized. He also questioned the government, saying, ``This is a complete setback to the democracy that we have spent decades pouring our lives and blood into creating.Didn't they oppress the media and block their ears by threatening them with sashimi knives?''
Representative Lee said, ``A democratic system is really difficult, but it can also collapse easily.If the people do not open their eyes and clench their fists to protect it, democracy is just a word from a dictator. My
"It could collapse in an instant with just one turn of events." He continued, ``That's why this parliamentary election is so important. Don't ever say things like 170 seats or 180 seats.
No. This is a dangerous moment. People are talking about having 170 or 180 seats, but they say there are only 90 seats, but that's an exaggeration. "I fear it will be widespread in certain areas."
He also reiterated, ``We must be cautious and strictly overcome this situation.If we leave it alone now, the power of the people will swallow up this country.''
emphasized. Representative Lee told voters, ``On April 10th, it will be important to judge our past mistakes, but once again we will stand as the Republic of Korea in the world, as a model democratic nation, and as one of the four economically powerful and economically advanced countries.''
must stand up as. We have to rebuild," he said.
2024/03/20 20:58 KST
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