South Korean President Yoon positions youth as the ”future of humanity” at the 3rd Democracy Summit
The plenary session of the ``3rd Democracy Summit'' was held at the Blue House (former presidential palace building) in Seoul, South Korea, where leaders from all over the world gathered together online. This conference is about the values of democracy
The aim is to reconfirm and strengthen this. On the 20th, South Korean President Yoon Seo-gyeol emphasized the importance of inheriting and nurturing democracy in a joint opening speech. future generation
We communicated the need to convey value to the ``We must better nurture this great heritage of democracy and pass it on to future generations,'' he said.
He also stated that there is an urgent need to renew young people's belief in democracy, saying, ``Young people are the only human race.
It is the future of democracy and the most powerful driving force for the growth of democracy." The summit was proposed by US President Joe Biden in 2021 and aims to combat the spread of authoritarianism.
The aim is to strengthen solidarity among democratic nations. This is the first time it has been held in South Korea, and this year's theme is "Democracy for Future Generations." Discussions took place over three days.
I was fooled.
2024/03/21 06:29 KST
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