「ハッキング」で外貨を稼ぐ北朝鮮…国連「その資金は ”核兵器開発”財源の40%に」
North Korea earns foreign currency through ”hacking”...UN: ”The funds account for 40% of the funding for nuclear weapons development”
“North Korea raises half of its total foreign exchange income by stealing money through hacking and cyber-attacks, and this money is used to finance the development of WMD (weapons of mass destruction) such as nuclear weapons.
According to an analysis by United Nations experts, the amount is being invested at 0%. ``Although no additional nuclear tests have been conducted, North Korea has avoided UN sanctions by developing further nuclear weapons and producing fissile material.''
"We have been producing it," he said. On the 20th (local time), the Committee on Sanctions against North Korea, a member of the United Nations Security Council, released the annual report of the panel of experts, which includes the above-mentioned content.
"During the six-month period from July last year to January this year, military and political tensions on the Korean Peninsula further escalated." The expert panel of the Committee on Sanctions against North Korea has concluded that the international community
It inspects the implementation status of the court and reports the results of its activities to the United Nations about twice a year. The expert panel concluded that North Korea continues to mount cyber threats, primarily targeting the poorly regulated virtual asset industry.
The analysis said, ``The purpose is to avoid UN sanctions and generate income.'' Due to economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, normal trade activities are unable to obtain the foreign currency needed to develop nuclear weapons and missiles.
This means that ``cyber attacks'' are the main means of earning foreign currency. Regarding this, the expert panel said, ``North Korea has been involved in malicious attacks such as hacking and cyberattacks.
"Ibar activities account for approximately 50% of all foreign currency earned by North Korea," the report said. Furthermore, “40% of the funding for WMD development programs was raised through such illegal cyber means.
based on reports from member countries.
2024/03/21 17:03 KST
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