The South Korean government has decided to increase the number of university medical school students by 2,000 students in 2025.
On the 20th, the South Korean government finalized its policy to increase the number of medical students for university entrance exams in 2025 by 2,000 people. The South Korean government initially announced this despite strong opposition from the medical community.
Due to the forced increase in the number of staff, there is a lot of interest in the future response from the medical community. The South Korean government announced on the 20th the admission quota for medical students by university, which has been promoted up until now.
This means that the issue of "increasing the number of employees by 2,000 people" has come to an end. In addition, in response to the medical community's proposal to ``negotiate after a blank slate for increasing the number of staff,'' the Korean government's stance was to ``promote it for medical reform.''
After repeating this repeatedly, he finally decided to turn down his "way out".
2024/03/21 08:32 KST
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