The group "BAE173" heated up the stage with their overwhelming performance. "BAE173" performed the new song "Fi
fty-Fifty” captured the hearts of fans. BAE173, who has been active with bold performances since his comeback, has an explosive aura in this M COUNTDOWN.
He showed off his ability. BAE173 showed perfection in every aspect, including vocals, rapping, and dancing. "BAE173" exudes a variety of charms and at the same time is a strong icon
I even gave him a present. The members have perfected their own identity by showing off their hip and intense charisma, including their sharp dance moves.
He captivated the fans with his limited energy. "Fifty-Fifty" is 50:5, with black and white, reality and dreams, light and shadow, communication with another self reflected in the mirror, etc.
It's a song that captures all the moments of choice that appear in 0 in its lyrics.