韓国人の聖山「白頭山」が、中国名でユネスコに “登録”=韓国報道
Baekdusan, a sacred mountain for Koreans, is registered with UNESCO under its Chinese name = South Korean report
A portion of Baektu Mountain, which is part of China's territory, has been registered as a UNESCO World Geological Park under the Chinese name ``Changbai Mountain.''
According to UNESCO's homepage on the 28th, the UNESCO Executive Board had visited 18 locations the day before, including Changbai Mountain.
The proposed site has been newly designated as a World Geological Park. As a result, the number of geological parks in the world has increased to 213 (in 48 countries).
In 2020, China designated the Baitushan region, which belongs to its territory, as a global geological park.
We have applied to UNESCO to do so. Currently, one-fourth of Mt. Baekdu is North Korean territory and three-quarters is Chinese territory. However, about 54.5% of Tianchi belongs to North Korea.
It is difficult to view China's registration of its territory as a global geological park as a problem, but through this registration, the name "Changbaishan" will be used more often in the international community than "Mt. Baekdu."
There are concerns that it could become a trigger. At a regular press conference on the same day, a spokesperson for the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, ``This approval was decided based on the geological conservation value of Mt. Baekdu and following related procedures.
"We will continue to monitor related trends," he said. Immediately after the decision of the UNESCO Executive Board, South Korean Ambassador to UNESCO Park Sang-mi said, ``Mount Baekdu is a Korean mountain.
"This is a mountain that has great significance for people, and we hope that the rest of the mountain that has not been registered will be designated as a world geological park," South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.
2024/03/28 17:10 KST
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