[Full text] Actress Song Ha-yoon's side says that the content of JTBC's ”Case Head” regarding ”alleged school violence reports” is ”not true”... ”Civil and criminal measures will be taken against the informant”
Actress Song Ha-yoon's side has made a statement regarding the allegations of school violence (bullying). On the 2nd, Song Ha-yoon's management office "King Kong by
Starship stated, "Regarding the content that was broadcast about our affiliated actor Song Ha-yoon on JTBC's 'Case Leader' and subsequent reports regarding this, all of this is true.
"I would like to state once again that this is not the case." Prior to this, on the 1st, JTBC's "Case Leader" aired a story that revealed popular female actor S was the perpetrator of school violence.
The informant, Mr. A, claimed that in his high school days, he was called by his senior, Mr. S, and beaten on the cheek for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Mr. S was also involved in other cases of school violence and was reported to have been forced to transfer schools.
The following is the full statement from Song Ha-yoon's side: Hello. This is King Kong by STARSHIP. Regarding the content of the broadcast on JTBC's "Case Leader" regarding our actor Song Ha-yoon,
Regarding the subsequent reports, we would like to state once again that none of the information is true. We will be verifying the facts of this matter and conducting legal review through a law firm.
We are considering all necessary measures, including civil and criminal measures against the informant and a provisional injunction banning broadcasting against JTBC's ``Case Unit Leader.''
Once again, please refrain from reporting based on unilateral claims by informants or speculative reporting where the facts have not been confirmed.
thank you.

“理由も分からないまま殴られた”…校内暴力疑惑が発覚した女性俳優/JTBC 事件班長
“理由も分からないまま殴られた”…校内暴力疑惑が発覚した女性俳優/JTBC 事件班長

2024/04/02 19:58 KST
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