”TWS” participates in EBS Radio's youth support campaign
The group "TWS" participated in EBS's youth support campaign.
“TWS” (SHINYU, DOHOON, YOUNGJAE, HANJIN, JIHOON, KYUNGMIN) participated in the “Junior High School 1st English
Just before the Japanese Language Listening Assessment, we cheered the students on the EBS Radio Channel with the theme of ``Answers unique to TWS that will give you courage.''
As this is the first English listening assessment that is conducted after entering junior high school, "TWS" is an evaluation of their debut.
Referring to his experience, he left a message saying, ``Don't be afraid and believe in your potential.'' In particular, ``Even if things don't go as planned and I stumble, I feel anxious if I think of it as a process of growth.''
"Your feelings will turn into excitement," he encouraged the students. EBS's youth support campaign will be held in the first semester of 2024 as a ``national junior high and high school English listener'' campaign.
In this campaign, which is held in conjunction with the 2019 Celebration of Youth Education, six groups of influential artists from each grade level, from the first year of junior high school to the third year of high school, will participate in a relay race to deliver messages of support.
2024/04/02 21:08 KST
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