Former South Korean president holds unusual campaign rally ahead of general election despite saying he would not get involved in politics
Votes will be counted in South Korea's general election on the 10th of this month, and according to South Korean media, former President Moon Jae-in has been campaigning every day to appeal for support for the largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Japan.
It is said that there is. Public broadcaster KBS reports, ``It is unusual for a former president to directly support a candidate in the general election.'' Moon's term ended in May of the year before last. Before retiring, he said, ``I don't get involved in politics.''
, live as a normal citizen. I plan to spend my time visiting nearby temples, climbing the Alps, tending to my vegetable garden, and raising dogs, cats, and chickens.''
In April of last year, he opened a bookstore he produced called Hirayama Shobo near his private residence. ``Hirayama Shobo'' is a refurbishment of a detached house that Mr. Moon purchased for 850 million won (approximately 95.52 million yen).
and opened it. At the time of the opening, Mr. Moon expressed his joy, saying, ``I hope it will become a cultural space and a place for residents to relax.''
On the other hand, he has often complained about the current administration of Yoon Seo-gyeol. last
In the documentary film ``I'm Moon Jae-in,'' which was released in April 2017, Moon criticized the Yun administration. ``The accomplishments of the past five years are not just my accomplishments, but the accomplishments of the people of the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea.
, it quickly collapsed and we went back to the past, and watching it like that makes me feel empty.'' Moon also said, ``They keep calling me back to real politics.''
. If they keep calling us back to real politics like this, it will eventually become a boomerang for them (Yun's administration and the current ruling party's ``People's Power'').''
In October last year, he mentioned on his SNS that South Korea's economic growth rate was lower than Japan's. ``This is the first time a growth rate of 1% has been achieved, with the exception of times of crisis, and economic growth
It is also shocking that this is the first time outside of the Asian financial crisis (1997) that the ratio is lower than Japan's.''In short, the economic situation of both Korea and Japan this year (at that time) Rising Korean economy
"It can be said to be a 'crisis.'" he lamented. Previously, this post introduced a book called ``Japan is Coming,'' which analyzed the economic losses of the Japan-U.S.-Korea triangular alliance, and Moon said, ``This book is a drag on the economy.
It has become clear that South Korea's stubborn politics and diplomatic strategy are the cause of this,'' he said, criticizing the current administration's policies. In preparation for the general election to be counted on the 10th, Mr.
He is campaigning to appeal for support for the party. He visited various locations wearing a blue jumper, the symbol of the party. He encouraged the party's official candidates and called on voters to support them. On the 1st, Lee Ji of the same party
Together with candidate Ae-young, he toured the southeastern cities of Gyeongsangnam-do and Yangsan, candidate Lee's constituency. Mr. Moon once again criticized the current government. “After living for 70 years,
"This is the first time we have seen such a bad government," he said, adding, "It is truly ignorant, incompetent, and pathetic. This time, I am sure that opposition parties such as our Democratic Party, Fatherland Revolution Party, and New Future will all achieve good results.
"We must strengthen the current government," he said. The ``Fatherland Revolution Party'' that Moon mentioned is a political party that was launched in February this year by Moon's close aide Cho Kuk, former Minister of Justice.
It has become a haven for progressive to centrist voters who are increasingly dissatisfied with rising prices and the Yoon administration, and is garnering the most support among the new parties known as the "third force."
The new party was launched in February by Lee Nak-yeon, who served as prime minister under Kwon. Moon has been actively touring Yangsan and other areas, including Geoje and Busan in the south.
BS reported that "former President Moon is the first former president to actively campaign for an election." Meanwhile, the ruling People Power Party has criticized Moon's actions, with party leader Yoon Sa-il.
On the 2nd, Rep. Yoon Sang-hyun posted on his SNS, "After stepping down, I said that I wanted to be forgotten, but I am living a life that is the complete opposite of what I said. As a former president and a former political veteran, I am a leader who is dedicated to governing the people.
"We should be making efforts to achieve this, but this doesn't make sense," he said.
2024/04/04 13:28 KST
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