Incheon Election Commission accuses cafe owner of offering ”free food and drink if you vote” to create an impression of a specific political party (South Korea)
In the run-up to the April 10 general election, the owner of a cafe put up promotional materials indicative of a particular political party in his shop, and offered free food and drinks to customers who voted. The owner has been indicted by prosecutors.
On the 5th, the Incheon Seo-gu Election Commission announced that it had filed charges against cafe owner A with the prosecution for violating the Public Offices Election Act.
Ahead of the April 10 general election, Mr. A is suspected of posting a notice in the cafe he runs that read, "We will provide free food and drink to those who vote in the election," and that had the image of a specific political party.
The cafe owner even took a photo of the printed material and posted it on his social media account. Article 115 of the Public Offices Election Act allows anyone to make a public statement in connection with an election on behalf of a candidate or his/her political party.
An official from the Seo-gu Election Commission said, "We believe that A expressed the intention to make donations to a specific political party and candidate. We are not aware of any serious election offenses, including donations.
Crimes will be dealt with severely," he said.
2024/04/05 20:58 KST
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