Democratic Party of Korea: ”Even terrorism against opposition party leaders is being brought into the election... President Yoon Seok-yeol is the king of general election foul play” = South Korea
The opposition Democratic Party has criticized President Yoon Seok-yeol as the king of cheating in the general election. Kang Min-seok, spokesman for the Democratic Party's election committee, said in a statement on the 6th that he was the National Assembly's communications director.
The leaflet pointed out, “Even a tragic political terrorist incident was brought up in the election.” Kang said, “President Yoon visited the regional trauma center at Busan National University Hospital yesterday.
President Yoon reportedly pointed out at the meeting that, "Until now, patients have been ignoring top local hospitals, such as the Regional Trauma Center at Busan National University Hospital, and visiting large hospitals in Seoul."
He added, "There have been various media reports that I have made slanderous remarks against Representative Lee Jae-myung."
"The political attacks against the opposition leaders are the product of a terrible politics of hate," Kang said.
"It is cowardly of President Yoon to bring up the Roh scandal in the election and talk about it as if it were a medical policy," he said.
He toured the country for over 10 years, hosting so-called public welfare forums. There he irresponsibly pitched policies that were almost impossible to implement.
"Where is the public that sees this as a step forward for the people's livelihood?" Kang responded, "The Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice, a civic group that could not bear to watch this, filed a complaint with the National Election Commission against President Yoon for violating the election law."
As if that wasn't enough, President Yoon became the first president to visit Busan, the battleground between the ruling and opposition parties, to take part in a "voting expedition," but this was followed by a tragic political terrorist attack.
"This has caused controversy and inflicted damage on the leader of the main opposition party. Even during the military dictatorship, we have never seen such outrageous and reckless behavior from a president," he said.
He added, "President Yoon is no different from the 'king of foul play' in this general election.
"The people will be harshly critical of President Yoon for meddling in the election by even bringing up a tragic case of political terrorism in Korean political history," he said.
2024/04/06 20:57 KST
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