Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung: ”If we don't give up and vote, the Democratic Party candidate can win in Seocho” (South Korea)
On the last weekend before the April 10 general election, Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea (opposition party) and standing joint election committee chairman, who was campaigning in the capital area, said on the 7th, “If you don’t give up and vote, the Seocho
"There is a possibility that the Democratic Party candidate will win in Seocho as well," Lee said.
He made this point while campaigning in support of candidate Eul in Seocho-gu. "If you don't give up and vote, candidate Hong will win. He will win if you vote," said Lee.
Seocho, which is included in the so-called 'Gangnam 3rd District', is one of the areas in Seoul where the Democratic Party of Korea is performing poorly.
In Seoul, where a total of 49 seats were allocated, the party won 41 seats, but in eight of the Gangnam 3 districts (Seocho Gap (A) and B, Gangnam A, B and Pyeong (B), and Songpa (B and C)),
Only Songpa-byung won the presidential election. Lee said, "There is one surprising fact that we forget. In the presidential election two years ago, the country was elected by a tiny margin of 0.73 percentage points, less than 1 percentage point.
The fate of the Democratic Party has been decided. However, one in four people did not vote in this important presidential election," said Lee. "One in three people abstained in the National Assembly elections. Nearly half of the people abstained in the local elections.
"If you don't give up and vote, the Democratic Party candidate will win in Seocho," he said. "You all have at least hundreds of phone numbers of your acquaintances saved in your cell phone.
There are probably 10,000 people who work in sales. I have about 200 acquaintances, and I call and email those 200 people across the country and ask them to vote.
If I were to say, 'Even if you support Yoon Seok-yeol, please vote,' it would be the same as you casting your own 200 votes."
He added, "Only those of you here today will vote vigorously from this moment on.
If you encourage everyone to participate, candidate Hong will definitely win. You will win through candidate Hong," Lee said. "50 to 60 places across the country are fighting a so-called thin ice battle.
The outcome is unclear. Depending on who votes, the People's Power (the ruling party) can gain a majority. Depending on who votes more, the legislative power of the Republic of Korea, even the National Assembly, can be in their hands.
"The Yoon Seok-yeol government has overhauled all systems and laws over the years, and this country could be heading down a path from which there is no turning back," he said.
If they were to take over even the legislative power and the National Assembly, it would become impossible to monitor and check national affairs, and the country would be completely cut off from the system through all kinds of bad laws and amendments.
"If the scale and system change, it will be difficult to restore," he said. "I want you to participate with a sense of crisis and urgency, without giving up, and to help us put it into practice and take action."
I would like to ask for your votes for candidate Hong."
2024/04/07 20:56 KST
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