韓国与党トップ「野党が200議席を獲れば “セルフ赦免”」…「李舜臣のように立ち上げってほしい」
South Korean ruling party leader: ”If the opposition party wins 200 seats, it will be absolved of itself”... ”I want them to rise up like Yi Sun-sin”
Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the emergency response committee of the ruling People Power Party, held a press conference on the 8th, two days before the general election, in which he spoke with Lee Jae-myung, chairman of the main opposition Democratic Party, and Cho
He directly pointed out the judicial risks, abusive language, and corruption issues of opposition candidates, including Fatherland Reform Party Chairman Jang Kuk, and appealed for support.
Chairman Han held a support event in Gwangju, Gyeonggi Province that morning.
During the campaign, he said, "Do you think (the opposition party, which won 200 seats) will just impeach the president? No. It will change Korea," and "We will amend the constitution so that the National Assembly can exercise the power of pardon.
"I think that Lee and Cho will absolve themselves of their sins," he said. "If the opposition party wins 200 seats, they will claim that 'you all gave us permission,' and will they really behave abnormally?"
"These are people who actually do things that you would think would never happen. That's why it's dangerous, and that's why you all need to stand up," he said.
He also said, "Admiral Yi Sun-sin, whom Korea truly respects and loves, saved this country with only 12 ships," and "We have 12 hours left until April 10 (the voting day)."
I want everyone to step up during these next 12 hours."
2024/04/09 08:07 KST
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