Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung holds live concert during court recess... ”We must not be shaken by People Power's grandiose tactics” = South Korea
Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party (opposition party), continued to make remarks about the People Power Party (ruling party) ahead of tomorrow's general election.
During a YouTube live broadcast during a recess in the Daejang-dong trial, he also conveyed the message, "We must not be shaken by the People Power's exaggerated tactics and tearful pleas."
On the 9th, Lee posted on his Facebook page, "Do you want the presidential veto to remain? That's the height of pretentiousness and shamelessness," criticizing the power of the people.
On the 8th, Yoon Jae-ok, the floor leader of the People's Power Party, said at a meeting of the Central Election Strategy Committee, "I want the presidential veto to be preserved, so that we can prevent the opposition party from taking control of the parliament.
I want you to protect your seat." Lee continued to make remarks to warn the majority of the People's Power. That afternoon, Lee took advantage of the recess in the Daejang-dong trial to start a YouTube live broadcast.
"What I'm really worried about is that the people will be shaken by the People Power's grandiose tactics and whining tactics, and if we give them the majority, it could lead to a situation where the democratic reform forces are unable to maintain their majority," he said.
He urged people to vote, saying, "Even though the country has been destroyed this time, it is natural that the people should once again take responsibility, but there are also movements to give them another chance.
"It is being carried out realistically. There is a high possibility that (the People's Power) will occupy a majority of the seats," he emphasized. The Democratic Party of Korea is aiming for a majority of seats plus a little more in this general election.
If they hold more than 150 seats, they will be able to secure the Speaker of the National Assembly position, handle bills submitted to the plenary session exclusively, pass impeachment proceedings excluding the president, and secure a majority on standing committees.
If they hold more than 200 seats, which is more than two-thirds of the total seats, they can not only amend the constitution but also impeach the president and
It will even be possible to nullify the president's right to request a second vote (veto). During the live broadcast, Lee said, "20 votes can decide the outcome. If we gather votes, we can win in unstable areas. That is the power of the people.
"Not only will it prevent a majority in the House of Representatives, but if we secure a majority, we can also check national politics and enact reform legislation," he said, emphasizing the importance of voting once again.
2024/04/09 20:56 KST
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