The number of Korean tourists visiting China is on the rise... Up 909% in January alone
"The number of Korean tourists visiting China has increased significantly this year," Chinese state-run media outlets reported in unison. The Chinese state-run English newspaper Global Times reported on the 10th (local time).
In an article titled "Rebound inbound tourism to China sees 909% jump in Korean visitors to China in January," the paper reported that "the number of Koreans visiting China is increasing."
The Global Times cited data from the South Korean Ministry of Justice, saying, "In January of this year, 142,000 South Koreans visited China," and "This is 908.7% more than the same period last year."
The figure has increased. The People's Daily, the online edition of the Communist Party of China's newspaper, also reported similar content.
The media quoted a Korean travel agency official as saying, "Since April last year, there have been a lot of Korean group tourists visiting China.
"Since then, the number of tourists has increased sharply and continues to grow," he said. "Many Korean travel agencies have introduced travel packages for Chinese tourists that are suitable for their own citizens, and major airlines such as Korean Air have
"We are expanding our routes to and from China," he added.
2024/04/10 17:03 KST
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