Prime Minister Han Deok-soo: ”The safety and lives of the people are the top priority in national affairs...it is best to create a safe Republic of Korea”
Prime Minister Han Deok-soo said on the 16th, the 10th anniversary of the Sewol ferry disaster, "The government will make protecting the safety and lives of the people the top priority in running the nation's affairs, and will do its utmost to create a safe Republic of Korea."
"I have been working hard to achieve my goal," Prime Minister Han said at the 10th National Safety Day Commemoration Ceremony held at the Sejong Convention Center in Sejong City in the afternoon.
"Over the past 10 years, our society's awareness of safety has increased significantly," he said. "This is a step forward to raise safety awareness in Korean society and take the lead in preventing safety accidents."
"Today, the 10th anniversary of the Sewol ferry disaster, is a heartbreaking day for us," Prime Minister Han said of the victims and their families.
"I pray for the repose of the souls of those who lost their lives in this tragic accident, and convey my deepest condolences to the bereaved families who have endured indescribable sorrow and pain."
"To the military, police, firefighters and other public officials on the front lines who are doing their utmost to protect the lives and safety of the people, and to all those who protect our safety every day,
I would like to express my deep gratitude to all of you." He then introduced the policies the government is promoting with the goal of establishing an "advanced disaster safety management system," and said, "We will continue to take measures to prevent new accidents caused by abnormal weather and technological changes."
"We will prepare preemptively for various types of disasters, including hazards, and will develop safety measures more quickly to respond to the changing disaster environment," he said.
Prime Minister Han said, "We will improve the treatment of public servants involved in disasters, create an environment in which they can do their utmost to ensure the safety of the people, and
"We will also prepare extensive support measures for victims. We will be in closer dialogue and consultation with the National Assembly so that the bills necessary to institutionalize safety can be enacted as soon as possible."
2024/04/16 20:58 KST
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