Fatherland Reform Party responds to President Yoon's announcement: ”Only the president does not understand the will of the people” (South Korea)
On the 16th, the Fatherland Reform Party, led by former Justice Minister Cho Kuk, aka “Onion Man,” made a statement about the results of the general election in which the ruling party suffered a crushing defeat.
"President Yoon is the only one who does not understand the will of the people," he said. A spokesman for the Fatherland Reform Party said in a statement on the same day, "President Yoon has decided to take responsibility for running the nation in accordance with the will of the people shown in the general election on April 10.
"We had hoped that the direction would be significantly changed. But as expected," the spokesman said. "The format of the opening remarks at the Cabinet meeting is problematic, but the content was even more shocking," he said.
"The government really did its best and worked hard, but the problem is that the public was not able to experience it. Should the public be the ones apologizing for not being able to experience it?"
He continued, "President Yoon said, 'Even if the direction of national politics is correct, if the people do not feel the change, then the government has not fulfilled its role.' The people should 'feel that the direction of national politics is correct.'
The Yoon administration was judged in this general election for being headed in the wrong direction," he said. "If the diagnosis is wrong, there's no way the right prescription can be given."
He also said, "The people gave the opposition party a victory in this general election. This is because President Yoon recognized the opposition party as a partner in national politics and sought cooperation through dialogue."
"It is a command from the people to demand that we do so," he said. "President Yoon's remarks today are not even worth discussing. It sounded like he was telling the State Councilors to go to the National Assembly and have a dialogue (with the opposition party)."

2024/04/16 17:25 KST
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