尹大統領「国政の最優先は “民生」…「より謙虚な姿勢で民心を傾聴」=韓国
President Yoon: ”The top priority of national politics is the people's livelihood”... ”I will listen to the public's will with a more humble attitude” = South Korea
South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol said on the 16th, "We must humbly accept the public sentiment expressed through this general election (general election for the National Assembly)," and "We must adopt a more humble and flexible approach."
President Yoon presided over a Cabinet meeting held in the presidential office in Seoul that day, saying, "Helping the people in times of difficulty and supporting their livelihood is the foundation of government."
"It is the reason for the existence of the party," he said. On that day, President Yoon directly expressed his views on the results of the April 10 general election for the first time.
President Yoon cited "the lack of public experience" as the reason for the ruling party's defeat in the general election.
"Even though it was a policy for the people, it fell short in some areas," he said. "We should have provided more detailed support for the lives of ordinary people who are struggling."
President Yoon said, "Despite our best efforts to speed up policy implementation, there were many shortcomings in overcoming the time gap between policy and the field," and "economic recovery
President Yoon said, "No matter how correct the direction of national politics is and how many good policies are implemented, if the people actually change, it is difficult to spread the feeling of change to all the people."
"If the government cannot feel the change, it means it has not been able to fulfill its role," he said. "Reckless cash assistance and populism will destroy the country's future.
"Economic populism is like a drug, as it is similar to political collectivism and totalitarianism," he said. "The government's role is to provide more detailed support to the people in times of difficulty, and
President Yoon also emphasized close cooperation with the National Assembly. "We will thoroughly explain the necessary budgets and bills to the National Assembly to ensure stability in people's livelihoods, and we will further strengthen communication," he added.
"I ask that State Council members do their utmost to ensure that the bills being promoted by each ministry and agency are passed before the end of the current Diet session," he said.
2024/04/16 17:20 KST
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