Na Kyung-wan meets with ruling party female lawmakers, a move in the run-up to next party leadership election (South Korea)
Na Kyung-won of the ruling People Power Party, who was elected in the 22nd general election, held a roundtable discussion with female elected members of the same party on the 16th.
Ra and about 15 female elected officials held a meeting at the National Assembly in the afternoon of the same day to discuss legislative issues for the 22nd National Assembly.
The party has decided to establish a new women's lawmaker group within the party. In the latest general election, 21 women were elected by the People Power Party and its proportional representation satellite party, People's Future.
Na was elected for the fifth time and will serve as co-chair of the Shinhoe Party with Cho Bae-sook, who was elected through proportional representation. Both are the party's most elected members.
On the other hand, some believe that the meeting was an attempt by Luo to solidify her support base ahead of the next party leadership election.
Regarding this, Ro said, "There have been female lawmakers' associations in the past in the National Assembly, and we have decided to formally create an association this time as well.
"We gathered because the women said they couldn't do anything. It's a conventional women's meeting within the party," she said, denying speculation that she would challenge for the party leadership position. She added, "I'm the woman with the most wins, so why am I not fulfilling my role?
"This is not possible," he emphasized.
2024/04/17 05:57 KST
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