North Korea launches several SRBMs - South Korea Joint Chiefs of Staff
On the 22nd, North Korea launched several SRBMs (short-range ballistic missiles) into the Sea of Japan. The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said, "Our military launched several SRBMs at around 3:01 pm today (22nd) in Pyongyang.
"We captured several FLY objects, presumed to be short-range ballistic missiles, launched from the area into the East Sea/Sea of Japan," the statement said, adding, "The North Korean missile flew over 300 kilometers and landed in the East Sea."
"After North Korea launched the missile, our military immediately captured it, tracked and monitored it, and closely shared information with the U.S. and Japanese sides. Details are currently being comprehensively analyzed," he said.
A Japanese government official also said, "North Korea launched what appears to be a ballistic missile at around 3:15 p.m. on the same day," and added, "It is within Japan's EEZ (exclusive economic zone).
"It is believed to have already fallen outside of the area," he said. Japan, the United States and South Korea are analyzing specific information such as the flight distance, altitude and speed of North Korea's ballistic missile.
The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said, "North Korea's missile launch is a clear provocative act that seriously threatens peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.
"We strongly condemn this action," he said, adding, "Under the robust ROK-U.S. combined defense posture, the military will continue to closely monitor North Korea's various activities and maintain the capability and posture to respond overwhelmingly to any provocation."
2024/04/22 16:59 KST
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