Korean medical community pressures government over medical school enrollment issue... Professors from medical universities across the country ”will resign as scheduled from the 25th... will close clinics once a week”
The Korean medical community is stepping up pressure on the government over the issue of increasing the number of medical school staff. Professors from medical schools at major hospitals across the country have carried out their planned resignations on the 25th.
In addition, they have decided to close clinics once a week. Professors at Seoul National University Hospital and Ulsan University Hospital have indicated that they will close clinics once a week within this month. Other hospitals are considering implementing regular closures.
The National Emergency Response Committee for Medical University Professors held an online general meeting on the afternoon of the 23rd and reiterated its decision to proceed with the resignations as scheduled from April 25th.
The decision comes regardless of the government's policy of accepting resignations. In addition, the professors said they were reaching their mental and physical limits due to working 70 to 100 hours a week.
The committee announced that "We will be closed for one day from next week." The day of closure is decided independently by each university. Regarding the once-a-week regular closure, the committee said, "Whether or not to close a hospital once a week depends on the situation of the hospital.
The committee is comprised of about 20 medical schools, including the University of Ulsan and Seoul National University.
Meanwhile, the Seoul National University School of Medicine and Seoul National University Hospital Professors' Council Emergency Response Committee
The emergency response committee of the Ulsan Medical University Professors' Council, which includes professors from Seoul Asan Hospital, also announced at a general meeting on the 25th that they would begin accepting resignations.
However, the professors who cannot leave the hospital immediately will take one day off per week from next month 3rd.
2024/04/24 07:05 KST
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