From forest fire suppression to emergency response... Multipurpose forest fire suppression vehicle developed in South Korea
The Ministry of the Interior and Safety of Korea (equivalent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan) has established the Ministry of Science, ICT and Communications (equivalent to the Digital Agency in Japan) and the Korea Forest Service (equivalent to the Forest Agency in Japan) to support rapid and efficient forest fire suppression and emergency response.
On the 24th, the government announced that it had developed a "multipurpose forest fire suppression vehicle" through collaboration with relevant ministries and agencies, including the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. The multipurpose forest fire suppression vehicle is equipped with a 2,000-liter water tank and a high-performance portable fire extinguishing device.
It is a medium-sized fire suppression vehicle equipped with a gas pump, and the vehicle body and special equipment are all domestically produced, making it easy to maintain.
The new vehicle is the first to be equipped with emergency vehicle functions (a portmanteau of pump and ambulance), enabling initial first aid and evacuation, strengthening emergency response capabilities at forest fire scenes.
In addition, it has the function of delivering water for forest fire suppression to a distance of 300 meters to 1 kilometer (300 to 1100
The vehicle is equipped with a water supply capacity of 1.5 liters per minute, making it possible to supply water to fire suppression vehicles on narrow forest roads without moving the vehicle. The government is conducting demonstration tests (April to September) on the multipurpose fire suppression vehicle and field performance.
After evaluation, the plan is to popularize the vehicles as a replacement for the small forest fire suppression vehicles currently in use.
The government is currently working with relevant government ministries and agencies to develop "lidar-based medium- to long-range early forest fire monitoring technology" and "unmanned forest fire suppression drones" for monitoring and tracking forest fires.
2024/04/24 18:56 KST
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