China's parcel volume exceeds 50 billion shipments... 32 days earlier than last year - Chinese media
According to monitoring data from the China Post Administration, as of April 29, China's parcel volume this year exceeded 50 billion parcels. This is 32 days earlier than last year.
Currently, more than 100 million parcels are delivered in rural areas every day. This year, the volume of business in the central and western regions has increased at an accelerated pace, driving the development of the industry.
According to the data, in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, delivery companies have partnered with e-commerce platforms to gradually test service improvement plans this year.
As a result, the number of deliveries per day in the area increased by nearly 1 million. Currently, the smartification of large-scale delivery centers is being accelerated, with automated warehouses, unmanned vehicles, and drones being introduced.
The level of information and smart technology in China's delivery industry continues to rise.
2024/05/01 15:34 KST
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