米国成人の81%「中国に否定的」…「中国は敵」は42%で “過去最高”
81% of American adults have a negative view of China… 42% see China as an enemy, a “record high”
A survey has revealed that four in five American adults have a "negative image" of China, and two in five see China as an "enemy of the United States."
The results of a public opinion survey released by the U.S. research organization "Pew Research Center" on the 1st (local time) (survey conducted by the organization from April 1st to 7th, 30% of adults)
In a survey of 600 people, 81% of respondents had an "unfavorable" view of China, while 43% had a "very unfavorable" view.
The same trend was seen in the perception of Chinese President Xi Jinping among American adults.
Unfavorable perceptions of China have continued to rise since hitting a record high of 47% in 2017, reaching a record high of 84% in last year's survey.
On the other hand, the percentage of people who viewed China favorably recorded 52% in 2006 and 2011, but has recently dropped to only 50% in 2021.
The figures remain low at 21% for 2021, 16% for 2022, 14% for 2023, and 16% for this year (2021). In addition, 42% of respondents see China as an "enemy of the United States," down from the previous year's 16%.
It recorded its highest value.
2024/05/03 17:04 KST
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