Chinese tourist: ”Taxi fare was 20,000 won but I paid 200,000 won” ... Police pursue him = Korea
A Chinese tourist visiting Jeju Island mistakenly paid 10 times the normal taxi fare and asked the police for help.
The taxi driver who received the 10,000 won (approximately 20,000 yen) was contacted by police and said, "It was night, so I thought it was 20 1,000 won (approximately 100 yen) bills, so I accepted it."
According to the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Police Agency's airport office on the 2nd, on the 14th of last month, a Chinese tourist named A (in his 20s) visited the airport office and handed over a note written in Hangul.
The note read, "Around 11:30 p.m. on the 13th, I got into a taxi from the airport taxi stand heading to Hamdeok (hotel). The taxi fare was 20,000 won.
The note read, "Payment for 200,000 won (cash). Please find it. Thank you." It was reported that the note was written with the help of a waiter at the restaurant that A visited.
In response, a Chinese-speaking police officer asked Mr. A about the incident, and Mr. A said, "I think I paid too much for the taxi fare." The taxi fare was about 20,000 won, but it was 100
Instead of 0 won bills, he handed the driver 20 10,000 won bills and asked for help. The local police checked airport CCTV footage from the time period identified and found that A was in the car.
The taxi was identified and the taxi driver was contacted. Driver B, who was contacted, went to the airport office and reported that the actual fare of 23,000 won (about 2,500 yen) was more than the amount paid, which was 170,000 yen.
He paid back 7,000 won (about 19,800 yen). Mr. B said, "It was night and the inside of the train was dark, so I thought it was a 1,000 won note and took it. When I looked the next morning, it was a 10,000 won note."
It was reported that.
2024/05/03 12:02 KST
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