The Democratic Party of Korea raises the issue of constitutional reform... ”4-year re-election system, president with no party affiliation, and limit on veto power” = South Korea
As the 22nd National Assembly of South Korea approaches its opening, the largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Korea, has proposed restricting the presidential veto (right to request reconsideration) and shortening the presidential term from the current five years to four years.
On the 13th, Yoon Ho-jung, chairman of the Democratic Party's special committee on constitutional revision, said,
At a press conference, he proposed a "one-point constitutional amendment" to limit the president's veto power and to ensure that the president, like the Speaker of the National Assembly, does not have party affiliation.
Yoon said, "The president should only use his veto to uphold the Constitution, not to protect his family or close associates.
"Because the president is a member of the ruling party, he places more importance on his own support base and the interests of his party than on issues that affect the lives of the people or important national issues.
"It will only lead to political infighting," he said. "If the constitution is amended (through discussion), it will be possible to include the spirit of the May 18th Gwangju Democratization Movement, on which there is no difference of opinion between the ruling and opposition parties, in the preamble of the constitution, and to make the constitution
In a phone interview, Rep. Yoon said, "The part that stipulates the prosecutors' right to apply for warrants is also possible to be deleted."
"This means deleting the Constitution, and there is no problem with stipulating this in law rather than in the Constitution," he explained. Meanwhile, Park Chan-dae, the floor leader of the National Assembly, said, "The amendment to the Constitution to allow four-year re-elections is a good idea."
In an interview with a media outlet on the same day, Floor Leader Park said, "Now is the time to establish the 7th Republic," and added, "We will introduce a four-year re-election system and include the May 18th spirit in the preamble of the constitution.
The candidates running for the LDP's National Assembly speaker position are also calling for constitutional reform to limit the president's veto power and to allow the president to serve four years in office.
On the 29th of last month, when he withdrew from the primary elections, Rep. Cho Jeong-sik said, "We will prevent the president from exercising his veto and, if necessary, reduce the number of seats needed to impeach the president from 200 to 180.
On the 22nd of the same month, he called for amending the constitution to a four-year term limit. Rep. Woo Won-sik, a candidate in the primary election, said in his candidacy that he would “attempt to amend the constitution to reduce the number of seats held by the president to four.”
"We will take the lead in amending the constitution to transfer the National Assembly's system of governance and the Board of Audit to the National Assembly, prevent the use of prosecutorial powers to exert political oppression, and effectively strengthen the powers of the National Assembly," he said.
2024/05/14 06:29 KST
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