China delivers large LNG carrier ”Lunengying”...loading capacity increased by 800 cubic meters - Chinese reports
On the 15th, Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), delivered the large liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier "Lu Neng Ying," with a capacity of 174,000 cubic meters. The ship is the company's fifth
This is the first of the new generation "Changheng Series" LNG carriers. The "Lu Neng Ying" is 299 meters long and 46.4 meters wide. Compared to conventional LNG carriers, the hull weight is more than 1,500 tons lighter.
The move will reduce carbon emissions by more than 10 tonnes per day of voyage and also allow the ship to carry an additional 800 cubic metres of LNG per voyage.
The ship was built as part of China Offshore Oil's LNG import project, which includes the construction of 12 LNG carriers with a capacity of 174,000 cubic meters each.
Once all 12 ships are operational, they will transport approximately 7 million tons of LNG from around the world annually, enough to power 54 million homes for nearly a year.
2024/05/16 15:31 KST
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