Woo Sik, former member of the Democratic Party of Korea, said, ”There are still forces that distort the May 18th Movement... We must engrave the May Spirit into the constitution.” (South Korea)
Rep. Woo Won-sik, who was elected as the National Assembly Speaker candidate in the primary election of the Democratic Party (opposition party) and is virtually confirmed as the head of the legislative branch for the first half of the 22nd National Assembly, announced on the 18th that he will hold a special meeting in Gwangju in May.
Woo posted a message on his social media account that day, saying, "Today, 44 years later, I once again stand in front of Gwangju in May."
Woo said, "The fervent desire for democracy of the May 18th Democratic Martyrs still lives on among us. The Gwangju Spirit was the courage of dignified solidarity in the face of violence and oppression.
"It was the last stronghold that supported democracy," he said. "However, there are still forces in Korean society that distort May 18. We cannot allow the disparagement of May 18 to continue in this land.
"I firmly believe that it is the political calling of our times to ensure that these distortions are not able to take root and to expose the truth of the day."
Rep. Woo said, "From now on, we must revive the noble will of May 18. We must realize the will that has been engraved in our hearts until now.
The May spirit must be clearly inscribed in the constitution. The path to making our shattered democracy flourish again and rebuilding our country as a worthy nation will begin with the great May spirit that protected our democracy."
He added, "I pray for the passing away of the May Democratic Martyrs. I would like to express my respect and condolences to their families and the people of Gwangju."
2024/05/18 20:58 KST
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