Song Seung Heon reveals his reaction when he introduced his best friend So Ji Sub to Shin Dong Yup = ”Radio Star”
Song Seung Heon, who appeared on the variety show ‘Radio Star’, introduced his best friend So Ji Sub to Shin Dong Yup when he was a rookie who had risen in the sitcom, and the sharp reaction that Shin Dong Yup showed at the time was revealed, leading to surprise. It will be interesting to find out what is really going on with them.

 Song Seung Heon, Lee Si-on, Oh Yeon-seo and Jang Gyu-ri will appear on the MBC variety programme ‘Radio Star’ on the 29th May (Wed).

 Song Seung-hun mentioned Kim Gook-jin as someone he admires among the ‘Radio Star’ MCs, but he surprised everyone when he said that his dream in middle school was to marry Kang Soo-ji and added, "(Kang Soo-ji) was my idol." The reaction of Kim Gook-jin, 'Kang Soo Ji's husband’, who strained his shoulders at Song Seung Heon's surprising confession, drew laughter. He also showed his fangirlishness by hesitantly mentioning Kang Soo Ji's ‘Purple Fragrance’ as his ‘favourite song’ for karaoke.

 Furthermore, Song Seung Heon said, "It's an embarrassing black history..." and tells an episode about his past appearance in the film ‘That guy was cool’, based on an internet novel by Kwiyeoni. Kim Gura once again marvelled at Song Seung Heon's ‘vampire good looks’, which are still the same as now.

 Song Seung Heon, who made his debut in the popular sitcom ‘A Love Story of Six Men and Women’, recently mentioned Park Young-gyu in ‘Radio Star’ and expressed his hope that ‘A Love Story of Six Men and Women’ will become popular again among the MZ generation like ‘Soonbu OB/GYN’. Alongside this, he referred to an episode in which he visited the set of ‘A Love Story of Six Men and Six Women’ before So Ji Sub debuted as an actor, recalling, "I introduced [So Ji Sub] to Dong Yup, who later called me up and told me seriously not to go out with that guy." It arouses curiosity as to why Shin Dong Yup advised Song Seung-hun to keep away from Seo Ji Sub.

 Meanwhile, Song Seung Heon's past and the reasons why Shin Dong Yup was wary of So Ji Sub can be found on Radio Star, which will be broadcast on the 29th May at 10:30pm on MBC in Korea.
2024/05/28 09:59 KST
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