”Hijack” starring Ha Jung Woo and Yeo Jin Goo is based on a true story... Cinematic fun and suspense PENG SOO adds imagination
"Hijack," which opened this summer's theaters as a much-anticipated hit, is a film that adds to the interest of viewers by focusing on the so-called hijacking incidents that actually raged around the world in the 1970s.
The movie "Hijack" depicts the extreme situation that unfolds when a passenger plane is abducted in the air above Korea in 1971.
The film is getting more and more attention with its interesting theme of hijacking. The word "hijacking" in the film's title means the illegal abduction of an aircraft in operation.
The period when the most incidents occurred was between 1968 and 1972, when 325 incidents occurred in five years (according to statistics from the Federal Aviation Administration). After that, air marshals were stationed on board aircraft at all times, and X-ray inspections and metal detectors were used.
Security measures were strengthened, including the introduction of new aircraft, and the number of hijackings began to decrease rapidly.
"Hijacking" is a work that combines the author's imagination with this real-life incident, depicting the intense interactions between people with different destinations in extreme circumstances.
Ha Jung Woo, who plays Tae In, learns for the first time that such a thing happened due to the "hijacking" scenario, and is shocked by the TV Series-like events.
"I was surprised to learn that it actually happened. The story begins with a real incident as a motif, but it is a very excellent work with cinematic appeal and suspense," he said, adding that it is a TV series-like enjoyment that goes beyond the real incident.
Director Kim Sung-han also said, "When I heard about the plane abduction incident in 1971, I thought that this was a story that could not be found anywhere else in the world, and that there was a lot that could be done if I made it into a movie.
"The story of a passenger plane abduction in the 1970s, which will be the first to be depicted on the big screen, has raised expectations for the genre's appeal. Director Kim Sung-han's vibrant directing skills and the actors' explosive performances have been a highlight of the drama.
This unprecedented passenger plane hijacking case, depicted with explosive synergy, will captivate audiences from the moment the film begins, providing nail-biting tension and ultimate immersion.
"Hijack" is a realistic depiction of the tension caused by the confined space from which one cannot escape, set in a tense situation in which a passenger plane was abducted in the skies over South Korea in 1971.
The drama will deliver a powerful cinematic experience through its storytelling. In addition, the unique synergy created by the acting of the trustworthy actors Ha Jung Woo, Yeo Jin Goo, Sung Dong Il, and Soo Bin is
It's sure to attract moviegoers this summer. "Hijack" is scheduled to be released in Korea on June 21.
2024/05/28 17:23 KST
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